ACL tears are a common injury in the sports world – if you follow football or basketball, you probably know at least one player who has had this injury. However, you should know that ACL tears can happen to any one of us! Here is some information on this injury and how it is treated!
What is the ACL?
ACL stands for “anterior cruciate ligament.” It is one of four ligaments that help to make up the knee – the ligaments connect the bones. It helps to brace the knee and keep it stable. Professional athletes are prone to ACL tears because of their intense and sudden movements; they might make a sudden stop, land from a jump in an awkward way, or change direction suddenly.
If you think about it, though, we might do any one of these movements throughout our day to cause an ACL tear. It can happen when you play with your kids, if you are falling and you try to catch yourself, or if you are in a new exercise class at the gym.
Two ways to avoid an ACL tear from everyday activities are to make sure you are in good physical shape and to pay attention to how you move (which is often easier said than done).
What are the symptoms of an ACL injury?
The first sign of a tear is often a popping sound, followed by feeling like the knee is totally giving out from under you. You might have pain and swelling, tenderness in the knee, and loss of range of motion.
How is an ACL tear treated?
Most ACL tears must be treated with surgery. A ligament graft is used to repair the ligament, with tissue harvested from the patient or from donor tissue. After the initial recovery, physical therapy is an important part of getting the patient back to their usual activities.
You don’t have to be a professional athlete to have a painful injury. The staff at Sports Occupational and Knee Surgery in San Antonio, TX, can diagnose your knee problem and help you to find relief! Call (210) 696-9000 for an appointment today!