How to Recover from Hip Replacement Surgery

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No matter what age you are, undergoing hip replacement surgery is something that requires an ample amount of recovery time and rehabilitation. If you are going to undergo surgery or if you already have, it’s important to know what exactly recovery entails in order to ensure that your body gets the best treatment possible. Read on to learn more.

Physical Therapy

hip replacementTypically the first day after surgery, you will start a physical therapy program. During physical therapy, you will work on strength based exercises in order to get the movement in your hip, buttocks, and joints moving again. As a fairly lengthy process, it’s important to know that physical therapy takes time and that you aren’t going to get your mobility right away. However, by sticking with physical therapy, you can get feeling back to normal— before you ever had hip problems.


There are many types of rehabilitation options for you to choose from. Depending on what type of hip surgery you had, your age, and what your doctor recommends, you can help determine what option is best for you. Rehabilitation options include:

  • In home rehab: During this sort of rehab treatment, a physical therapist will come to your home a few times a week in order to help you build up the strength in your hip.
  • Rehabilitation hospitals: These in-patient treatment facilities are for individuals who need around the clock care from nurses and physicians, and physical therapy sessions at least a few times a day.
  • Nursing homes: Nursing homes are a great in-between option for individuals who no longer need the assistance of a hospital but still need assistance with physical therapy sessions a few times a day.

Although you won’t be able to run a race or jump around right off of the bat, during rehabilitation and physical therapy, you will work on become physically active once again. In fact, within about three to six weeks after your surgery, you should be able to walk on your own and even go up stairs without the assistance of another person.

To learn more about how to recover from hip surgery, contact our office today!

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