Running Too Hard? How to Combat Knee Pain

ice pack for knee pain

ice pack for knee painIf you are an avid long distance runner then you know just how hard this sport can be on your body. By placing constant pressure on your knees and joints, running can cause things such as tendinitis, inflammation, torn cartilage, and more. If you are training for a big race or if you merely just like to run for the fun of it, you may want to run through the pain that you may be experiencing, but it’s important to take a break and listen to what your body is telling you— especially when it comes to your knees.

Ice Is Your Best Friend
When you suffer from knee pain, you are likely also experiencing some inflammation in your joints. In order to tell if you knee is inflamed, simply place your legs straight out in front of you and inspect the area around your kneecaps. If you notice that there is some puffiness and what appears to be fluid under your skin, then they are likely swollen. Simply take some soft ice packs or even a bag of frozen vegetables and place them directly on your knees for 10 minutes at a time. Although it may feel uncomfortable at first, your knees will slowly become numb.

Take Ibuprofen Before Your Run
Before you head out on your next run, take a dose of ibuprofen. Ibuprofen will help to treat both the pain and inflammation that you may be experiencing around your knee. Just make sure that you are only taking the recommended dose because too much ibuprofen can cause liver and kidney problems.

Take a Rest
The last thing you likely want to do is take a rest from running. However, sometimes your body needs a break in order to properly heal. Remember that if you are experiencing pain, it is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and that you need to rest. Try taking a day or two off of running and see if you start to feel better, if the pain you are experiencing worsens or doesn’t alleviate, contact Sports, Occupational & Knee Surgery.

If you are experiencing knee pain associated with running, try the above three tips. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact Sports, Occupational & Knee Surgery today!

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