How Sporting Activities may Affect Your Shoulders

shoulder pain

shoulder painSports provide children and adults of all ages with the opportunity to participate in a team environment, and to keep their body and spirit moving. The numerous benefits of sports far outweigh the risk for injury. However, it is important to know how to minimize the risks associated with your chosen sport, and to obtain prompt treatment should an injury occur. With early care, injuries to the shoulders and other joints may respond to non-surgical intervention.

Could you have a Shoulder Injury?

The shoulders may be injured in a number of ways. These include:

Dislocation. If an impact occurs when the arms are outstretched, the upper, rounded bony structure of the arm could become dislodged from the socket, or rotated too far to one side. This injury prevents full range of motion in the arms, and is likely to cause discomfort when the arms are moved. It is also possible to experience muscle spasms in the arms, or tingling in the arms or hands.

Rotator cuff or tendon injury. Around the shoulder joint is a grouping of tendons and muscles. These make up the rotator cuff, and these are what hold the arm firmly in the shoulder socket. Injury to the rotator cuff may cause a dull ache that is most noticeable at rest. The arms may feel weak, and it may be difficult to reach your arms up overhead, such as when you brush your hair.

Labral tear. The labrum is one of several internal structures that make up the rotator cuff. This soft tissue may be injured if you fall on an outstretched hand. Injury to the labrum can cause a flap to develop from this soft tissue. The flap can “catch” between the upper bone of the humorous and the other structures in the shoulder, causing discomfort and limited range of motion.

Bursitis and tendonitis. Not all sports are played in a team setting. And not all shoulder injuries are the result of a direct trauma. Some of the common issues that we see are bursitis and tendonitis. These two injuries stem from repetitive use of the shoulder, and the degradation of internal structures.

We offer outstanding care to patients in the San Antonio area. For information regarding shoulder injuries or other orthopedic concerns, call our office at (210) 696-9000.

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Monday – Thursday: 8:30am to 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am to 2:00pm
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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

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