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At Sports Occupational & Knee Surgery, we manage the effect that joint injuries and joint wear and tear can have on the entire body. Each case is carefully reviewed and treated with the utmost professional and conservative approach. Surgery is then recommended when conservative treatment fails. The Orthopedist, Dr. Peter F. Holmes is Board-Certified in both Orthopedic Surgery and Orthopedic Sports Medicine and is a Board Delegate for the AAOS.

Orthopedist Services San Antonio TX

The procedure is a resurfacing of the bones of the joint, utilizing metal on one side and metal/ plastic component on the other, thus returning slickness in the joint and taking away the bone on bone pain. It requires a hospitalization of approximately 2-3 days plus or minus depending on the patient. It requires rehabilitation either at a rehabilitation hospital and/or home for an additional three weeks plus or minus. Total joints are an extremely rewarding procedure in relieving pain with the appropriate diagnosis.

We at Sports, Occupational & Knee Surgery in San Antonio, TX want you to know that recovery from hip replacement surgery itself is short. The incision is as small as possible and usually limited by the patient’s weight and stiffness. Hip replacement requires a hospitalization for approximately one week plus or minus depending on the patient. Rehab may vary depending on how long you have waited to get the surgery. In most cases, full weight bearing is immediate with the aid of assisted ambulatory devices such as a walker or cane. Rehabilitation is basically getting your body back. After the actual hip replacement in San Antonio, TX takes place, physical therapy and home exercises continue until you are able to function independently. Staying with your walking and exercise program will help speed your recovery.

Our compassionate and professional staff at Sports, Occupational and Knee Surgery will follow through with each patient until they reach full recovery. We hope to be your practice of choice when needing a hip replacement in San Antonio, TX.

Rotator Cuff Repair in San Antonio, TX can take many avenues. Dr. Peter Holmes at Sports, Occupational and Knee Surgery utilizes all conservative treatments before suggesting surgery. These may include, rest, ice and /or heat, anti-inflammatory medication and injection cortisone therapy. Also sometimes recommended is Physical Therapy, depending on your specific injury.

What People Say About Us!

Super great, caring surgeon. I had both my knees replaced and he was great through the whole process. He explained what to expect , and emphasized once surgery was done I had to do my part and do all the rehab excersizes diligently or it would all be for nothing. I did and have excellent flexibility. It's been years ago now and I'm so grateful I chose him.

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Our Location

Monday – Thursday: 8:30am to 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am to 2:00pm
Dr. Holmes:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

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