Whether you enjoy working out to either lose weight, get in shape, or stay in shape, one of the most important things that you can add to your workout routine is pure cardio. However, although cardio, like running, is good for your heart and will help you maintain a stable weight, they can be extremely hard on your body and joints. From swimming to using the elliptical machine at your local gym, this article will discuss the impacts of participating in non/low-impact cardio workouts.
Less Likely To Feel Sore
Let’s face it, participating in cardio workouts like running or team sports like soccer or basketball are fun, but they can seriously wreak havoc on your body, especially the next day. And although you don’t have to completely give up on participating in these types of activities, your body will greatly thank you if you start participating in low impact cardio workouts like biking, swimming, or hopping on the elliptical. These workouts alleviate the pressure that is placed on your joints which will help reduce how sore you feel afterward and will allow you to walk the next day.
Less Risk of Injury
Have you recently become injured by participating in a sport? Have you had to have knee surgery or have you had to start doing physical therapy because of all of the wear and tear that your workout doing to your body? As another added benefit of non/low impact cardio workouts, there is a lower risk of injury because you are placing less impact and strain on your joints and muscles.
Ideal For More Audiences
Unless you are in extremely good shape, you aren’t likely to be running a marathon or participating in a basketball tournament next week. However, non/low-impact cardio workouts are great for a variety of audiences including individuals who are overweight, the elderly, pregnant women, or people who suffer from certain illnesses like multiple sclerosis.
To learn more about non/low-impact cardio workouts and their benefits, contact one of the specialists at Sports, Occupational & Knee Surgery.