Sports, Occupational and Knee Surgery is known for serving the needs of patients in the area of San Antonio, TX for years. Our doctors treat a wide range of orthopedic injuries including meniscus repairs.
Why does a patient need meniscus repair?
Meniscus repair is often done when a patient has experienced a tear in the meniscus. The meniscus is part of the cartilage that is used to cushion and stabilize the joint of the knee. The type of tear will determine the method of repair. Some patients may experience a horizontal tear or a tear caused by degeneration that cannot be repair. However, moderate to large tears often respond well to meniscus repair via surgery. The procedure is often recommended in cases such as this. Individuals experiencing a minor tear or small tear of the meniscus may instead do better with rest and home treatment to allow it to heal on its own.
Why choose meniscus repair?
Whenever possible, it is important that patients undergo treatments that allow them to maintain their normal functionality even after an injury has occurred. This is why seeking a definitive diagnosis with an orthopedic surgeon is the first step in determining the course of action for a patient’s unique situation. Once the doctor has determined that surgical repair is necessary, patients then speak to their provider about any questions they may have. The procedure may require repair of just a small part of the meniscus, called a partial meniscectomy, or removal of the entire meniscus, called a total meniscectomy. A partial or total removal is determined by viewing imaging of the knee area and working with the patient to determine their needs. Whenever possible, the doctor may try more conservative methods before surgery to reduce one’s risk of knee degeneration over time, though there are some situations in which surgery is necessary to restore a patient’s functionality and improve their quality of life.
Learn more about meniscus treatment with our doctors
If you live in the area San Antonio, TX and are seeking care from a professional orthopedic team, we strongly encourage you to book a consultation appointment with our providers at Sports, Occupational and Knee Surgery. Call (210) 696-9000 to book your visit with our friendly, helpful front office team.