Why Rotator Cuff Injuries Are So Common

Rotator Cuff

Each year, between two and four million people are affected by rotator cuff injuries in the United States. Even though many people can recover from these injuries by resting and going through physical therapy, there are many instances where surgical repairs are required. As the rotator cuff plays a vital role in keeping the arm in place, it is no surprise that repetitive activities can increase the risk of an injury.

Why Rotator Cuff Injuries Are So Common

There are many reasons why injuries to the rotator cuff occur so often.

Many Athletes Are at Risk

Individuals who engage in sports are more likely to suffer injuries to the rotator cuff. These injuries often include tears, which are likely to occur as a result of repetitive movements. Those who play baseball, tennis, or softball, as well as individuals who are involved in weightlifting and rowing, are more likely to suffer these injuries.

It Can Happen Due to Degeneration

Unfortunately, athletes are not the only ones susceptible to suffering this type of injury. As we age, degeneration can increase the chances of rotator cuff injuries, such as tears. This is due to the fact that blood flow to this area tends to slow down as we age, which can reduce the body’s ability to heal itself.

It is also common for individuals to develop bone spurs as they age, which can rub on the tendons of the rotator cuff and lead to injuries and other complications.

Tears May Not Always Be Obvious

Sometimes, injuries to rotator cuffs are not always obvious. There can be instances where individuals experience partial tears where the soft tissue suffers damage but is not severed completely. This can lead to further damage if the issue is not addressed in a timely manner.

Do You Suspect a Rotator Cuff Injury? Call Now for Help

Struggling with a rotator cuff injury can be difficult. However, there is help available. To schedule an appointment with Sports, Occupational & Knee Surgery, contact their office by calling 210-696-9000. They proudly serve patients in the San Antonio area and are available to help you.

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